Friday, June 7, 2024

At the dawn of a new age...

Greetings, fellow traveler, and welcome to this small corner of the internet.

As I've never formally introduced myself on ye olde Confrontation Discord server (the first place where I'll actually reveal this blog), a little intro is in order.

Name is Stefan, but depending on the webspace you encounter me at you might hear some different nicknames. Some call me Moth, some call me Moon, other places know me as Howler, or some combination of those names. All of these are mainly because I've been stretched between numerous hobbies and communities and long time passions, those primarily being RPGs, various board and miniature games, CCGs, and hardcore punk (and generally underground DIY) music... In real life, you will mainly encounter me in Sweden or to a lesser extent in Serbia, the place where I spent most of my years originally.

When it comes to Confrontation, during the years when Rackham was active I was a humble student with rather shallow pockets (and already committed to several of the aforementioned hobbies which I barely maintained at the time), so I was mostly observing the game from the sidelines and had only a handful of demo games under my belt with borrowed community miniatures. The scene in my home town was relatively small (some 10-15 people), but quite active at times since I remember gatherings and tournaments happening regularly. But for me personally, there was always something special about Confrontation that got stuck in my head and it made me think about it for years on end, many times feeling the pull to start collecting.

Two decades later and now living in a new country, I nose-dived right into Confrontation in 2023 when I locally stumbled upon a cheap NIB Centurus Clone blister at random. Something simply clicked in me that it was finally time and I just let myself be consumed.

So what is the point of this blog? Not sure to be honest. I am rather impulsive when it comes to creating blogs, since I always have a strong urge to document my thoughts and feelings, primarily due to my love for writing, yet another passion. The actual process of writing anything puts me in a specific kind of headspace where I have to step back and truly reflect on a particular subject, exploring all the emotions and in fact properly appreciating the thing in question, preserving the moment for some future point in time. 

But being less poetic, I am hoping to simply record my journey through Confrontation and document the growth of my collection (which happens all too often) and my knowledge of the game and its universe. I'd also like this place to be a good repository for useful resources for other beginners. There are some other, grander plans that I would like to achieve here and provide something useful and entertaining to the wonderful community built around this game, but for that both you and I need to be patient. Time will tell if I succeed or not.

Thank you for reading, hope you follow along!

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